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Frank Marshall

Frank Marshall

When I started out with Aetna, the sky was the limit for a young man who thrived on the thrill of providing top notch service to individuals who were putting their most precious resources of time and money in my care. After becoming an independent agent in 1987, I applied what I had gleaned to cultivating a reputation that has allowed me to continue as a trusted

The insurance industry has changed since I began in 1975. But the integrity and respect it takes to succeed remains the same. Having represented the likes of Allstate and Nationwide, I understand and admire the perks that come with some of the bigger outfits. The relationships that I am able to forge with my clients, however, keeps me planted firmly in a space that allows me the freedom to choose the best options possible and guide existing and prospective policyholders accordingly.

Just like my wife, children, and grandchildren bring me joy, meeting the needs of every one who walks through our doors fills me with the utmost satisfaction. As some people have been with us for over 30 years, it’s no wonder that many feel like family. And, like family, we continue to grow with new additions daily. So, whenever you’re ready, we stand waiting to welcome you and yours into the fold!